The shape of the primordial matter power spectrum encodes critical information on cosmological parameters. At large scales, in the linear regime, the observable galaxy power spectrum P obs (k) is expected to follow the shape of the linear matter power spectrum P lin (k), but on smaller scales the effects of nonlinearity and galaxy bias make the ratio P obs (k)/P lin (k) scale dependent. We develop a method that can extend the dynamic range of the primordial matter power spectrum recovery, taking full advantage of precision measurements on quasi-linear scales, by incorporating additional constraints on the galaxy halo occupation distribution (HOD) from the projected galaxy correlation function w p (r p ). We devise an analytic model to calculate observable galaxy power spectrum P obs (k) in real space and redshift space, given P lin (k) and HOD parameters, and we demonstrate its accuracy at the few percent level with tests against a suite of populated N-body simulations. Once HOD parameters are determined by fitting w p (r p ) measurements for a given cosmological model, galaxy bias is completely specified, and our analytic model predicts both the shape and normalization of P obs (k). Applying our method to the main galaxy redshift samples from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we find that the real-space galaxy power spectrum follows the shape of the nonlinear matter power spectrum at the 1%-2% level up to k = 0.2 h Mpc −1 and that current observational uncertainties in HOD parameters leave only few percent uncertainties in our scale-dependent bias predictions up to k = 0.5 h Mpc −1 . These uncertainties can be marginalized over in deriving cosmological parameter constraints, and they can be reduced by higher precision w p (r p ) measurements. When we apply our method to the SDSS luminous red galaxy (LRG) samples, we find that the linear bias approximation is accurate to 5% at k 0.08 h Mpc −1 , but the strong scale dependence of LRG bias prevents the use of linear theory at k 0.08 h Mpc −1 . Our HOD model prediction is in good agreement with the recent SDSS LRG power spectrum measurements at all measured scales (k 0.2 h Mpc −1 ), naturally explaining the observed shape of P obs (k) in the quasi-linear regime. The phenomenological "Q-model" prescription is a poor description of galaxy bias for the LRG samples, and it can lead to biased cosmological parameter estimates when measurements at k 0.1 h Mpc −1 are included in the analysis. We quantify the potential bias and constraints on cosmological parameters that arise from applying linear theory and Q-model fitting, and we demonstrate the utility of HOD modeling of highprecision measurements of P obs (k) on quasi-linear scales, which will be obtainable from the final SDSS data set.