It has become conventional to simply guess the renormalization scale and choose an arbitrary range of uncertainty when making perturbative QCD (pQCD) predictions. However, this ad hoc assignment of the renormalization scale and the estimate of the size of the resulting uncertainty leads to anomalous renormalization scheme-and-scale dependences. In fact, relations between physical observables must be independent of the theorist's choice of the renormalization scheme, and the renormalization scale in any given scheme at any given order of pQCD is not ambiguous. The Principle of Maximum Conformality (PMC), which generalizes the conventional Gell-Mann-Low method for scale-setting in perturbative QED to non-Abelian QCD, provides a rigorous method for achieving unambiguous scheme-independent, fixed-order predictions for observables consistent with the principles of the renormalization group. The renormalization scale in the PMC is fixed such that all β terms are eliminated from the perturbative series and resumed into the running coupling; this procedure results in a convergent, scheme-independent conformal series without factorial renormalon divergences. The resulting relations between physical observables, such as commensurate scale relations, are independent of the choice of renormalization scheme. Although conventional renormalization scheme and scale ambiguities do not appear, a PMC prediction will of course still have some residual scale uncertainty arising from uncalculated higher-order terms. If the resulting PMC conformal series does not have sufficient convergence, the residual scale uncertainty from the unknown higher order pQCD contributions could be significant. Several variations of the PMC have been proposed to deal with ambiguities associated with the uncalculated higher order terms in the pQCD series, such as the multi-scale-setting approach (PMC), the single-scale-setting approach (PMCs), and the procedures based on "intrinsic conformality" (PMC∞). In this paper, we will give a detailed comparison of these PMC approaches by comparing their predictions for three important quantities R e + e − , Rτ , and Γ(H → b b) up to four-loop pQCD corrections. The PMC approach also determines an overall effective running coupling αs(Q) by the recursive use of the renormalization group equation, whose argument Q represents the actual momentum flow of the process. Our numerical results show that the single-scale PMCs method, which involves a somewhat simpler analysis, can serve as a reliable substitute for the full multi-scale PMCm method, and that it leads to more precise pQCD predictions with less residual scale dependence.