Due to the complexity of neuronal networks and the nonlinear dynamics of individual neurons, it is challenging to develop a systems-level model which is accurate enough to be useful yet tractable enough to apply. Mean-field models which extrapolate from single-neuron descriptions to large-scale models can be derived from the neuron’s transfer function, which gives its firing rate as a function of its synaptic input. However, analytically derived transfer functions are applicable only to the neurons and noise models from which they were originally derived. In recent work, approximate transfer functions have been empirically derived by fitting a sigmoidal curve, which imposes a maximum firing rate and applies only in the diffusion limit, restricting applications. In this paper, we propose an approximate transfer function called Refractory SoftPlus, which is simple yet applicable to a broad variety of neuron types. Refractory SoftPlus activation functions allow the derivation of simple empirically approximated mean-field models using simulation results, which enables prediction of the response of a network of randomly connected neurons to a time-varying external stimulus with a high degree of accuracy. These models also support an accurate approximate bifurcation analysis as a function of the level of recurrent input. Finally, the model works without assuming large presynaptic rates or small postsynaptic potential size, allowing mean-field models to be developed even for populations with large interaction terms.Author SummaryAs one of the most complex systems known to science, modeling brain behavior and function is both fascinating and extremely difficult. Empirical data is increasingly available fromex vivohuman brain organoids and surgical samples, as well asin vivoanimal models, so the problem of modeling the behavior of large-scale neuronal systems is more relevant than ever. The statistical physics concept of a mean-field model offers a tractable approach by modeling the behavior of a single representative neuron and extending this to the population. However, most mean-field models work only in the limit of weak interactions between neurons, where synaptic input behaves more like a diffusion process than the sum of discrete synaptic events. This paper introduces a data-driven mean-field model, estimated by curve-fitting a simple transfer function, which works with larger interaction strengths. The resulting model can predict population firing rates and bifurcations of equilibria, as well as providing a simple dynamical model that can be the basis for further analysis.