We prove a scale-free, quantitative unique continuation principle for functions in the range of the spectral projector χ (−∞,E] (H L ) of a Schrödinger operator H L on a cube of side L ∈ N, with bounded potential. Such estimates are also called, depending on the context, uncertainty principles, observability estimates, or spectral inequalities. We apply it to (i) prove a Wegner estimate for random Schrödinger operators with non-linear parameterdependence and to (ii) exhibit the dependence of the control cost on geometric model parameters for the heat equation in a multi-scale domain.
Scale-free unique continuation and eigenvalue liftingLet d ∈ N. For L > 0 we denote by Λ L = (−L/2, L/2) d ⊂ R d the cube with side length L, and by ∆ L the Laplace operator on L 2 (Λ L ) with Dirichlet, Neumann or periodic boundary conditions. Moreover, for a measurable and bounded V : R d → R we denote by V L : Λ L → R its restriction to Λ L given by V L (x) = V (x) for x ∈ Λ L , and bythe corresponding Schrödinger operator. Note that H L has purely discrete spectrum. For x ∈ R d and r > 0 we denote by B(x, r) the ball with center x and radius r with respect to Euclidean norm. If the ball is centered at zero we write B(r) = B(0, r).Definition 2.1. Let G > 0 and δ > 0. We say that a sequenceCorresponding to a (G, δ)-equidistributed sequence we define for L ∈ GN the set