We develop the autolocalization hypothesis suggested recently in [Andreev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 146401 (2013)] to explain the formation of the macroscopically ordered exciton state (MOES) in semiconductor quantum wells [L. V. Butov et al., Nature (London) 418, 751 (2002)]. We argue that the onset of a periodical localizing potential having a macroscopic spatial period is possible in the systems where in addition to long-range dipolar repulsion the excitons exhibit resonant pairing at short distances. Our theory suggests, that the central incoherent part of each condensate in the MOES may represent a novel quantum molecular phase, which was predicted and discussed theoretically several years ago in the context of resonant Bose superfluids. PACS numbers: 71.35.LkIt is well known that there is no Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in 1D and 2D bosonic gases at a finite temperature, because the off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) is destroyed by long-wave phase fluctuations [1,2]. To observe the true second-order phase transition in a disorder-free low-dimensional system one has to introduce an external trapping potential. Localization supresses the phase fluctuations [3,4] and brings about criticality in thermodynamics by transforming the density of single-particle states (DOS) [5,6].Following these arguments, the author has recently postulated that the macroscopic ordering of excitons discovered [7] and recently duplicated [8] in high-quality semiconductor quantum wells (QW's) can be considered as a manifestation of autolocalization [9]. Below few degrees Kelvin a uniform quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) gas of dipolar excitons generated in the ring-shaped trap transforms into a chain of macroscopic aggregates seen as bright spots in the exciton photoluminescense (PL) pattern. Temperature dependence of the exciton energy exhibits the typical casp at the transition point [9,21]. Each aggregate consists of a bright core surrounded by a coherent halo of weaker PL intensity. Remarkably, the coherence of the PL in the halo is extended over the length scale comparable with the size of an aggregate [11]. These experimental facts have been phenomenologically taken into account in [9] by treating the aggregates as trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, the trapping along the chain being the result of electrostatic repulsion between the neighbors. The model allows one to estimate the number of condensates at the ring in equilibrium and to explicitly demonstrate the scale invariance and universality of the phenomenon [12] which are known to be the distinct features of the second-order phase transition [13].Until now, however, microscopic origin of the autolocalization has not been understood. In particular, it has been unclear why the dramatic phenomena observed by Butov group [7,11] do not take place in the experimental configuration employed by Snoke [14] which corresponds essentially to the same set of parameters.In this Letter we describe the onset of the autolocalizing potential along the ring by considering quantum scatt...