“…Broadly speaking, past research has shown that geomorphic impacts from floods may be pronounced where resistance thresholds are low (Baker and Costa, 1987), energy expenditure is enhanced by local and regional controls (Nanson, 1986;Miller, 1990a), and where the timing of coarse and fine sediment inputs coincides with the peak discharge (Cenderelli and Kite, 1998;Magilligan et al, 1998). In some instances, responses may relate to significant erosion, including channel widening (Krapesch et al, 2011), floodplain stripping (Nanson, 1986) or intensified mass wasting (Miller, 1990b;Newson, 2006). In other instances, the catastrophic effects include massive overbank deposition (Knox, 1987(Knox, , 2006, the transport of channel bed gravels onto floodplains (Ritter, 1975), or the entrainment and transport of coarse bedload material (Eaton and Lapointe, 2001).…”