In [4] using the Carathéodory approach as described in [3], we introduced the notions of scaled topological and scaled metric entropies and we described some of their basic properties. Unfortunately, one of the results we stated is not true. In addition, we did not mention an important work in the area by Katok and Thouvenot [1] in which they introduced the notion of slow metric entropy based on an approach that utilizes the Hamming metrics. While our scaled metric entropy may not coincide with the slow metric entropy and they have different properties, the relations between them are instructive and help better understand the rescaling phenomena in dynamics. This note is intended to cover the gap and to correct a mistake in our paper.
Scaled Topological EntropyWe begin by briefly recalling the definitions of scaled topological and scaled metric entropies. Consider a continuous transformation T : X → X of a compact metric space X equipped with metric d. A sequence of positive numbers a = {a(n)} n≥1 is a scaled sequence if it is monotonically increasing to infinity.The online version of the original article can be found under