Thispaperwas selected forpresentation by an SPE ProgramCommitteefollowing review ofinformation contained inan abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents ofthepaper, as presented, have notbeen reviewed by theSociety ofPetroleum Engineers and aresubject tocorrection by the author(s). The material, ae presenfed, does nofnecessarily reflect anypoait!on ofthe%c!elyofPefroleum Engmeere,ita officers, ormembers,Papers preaentad atSPE meetingssresubject topublication review byEdtorial Commmeea oftheSociety ofPetroleum Engineers. Permission tocopyIS resfricfed loan abstract of not more than300words. Illustrations may notbe copied. The abatract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment ofwhere and by whom thepaperiapresented, WritePublications Manager,SPE, ABSTRACT displacements, the introduction of multiple capillary discontinuities significantly alters Numerous steps are involled in evaluating oil saturation distribution. Berea sandstone and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods for field sandpacks,widely used in petroleum research, are application. Technical screening guides are found to be more heterogeneousthan is consnonly consulted for Initial determination of believed. To accurately address the problems of applicability. This iS followed by a laboratory evaluation of individual EOR methods, comprehensiveanalysis of fluid, rock, and rock-appropriate laboratory apparatus and techniques fluid interactions. Prior to displacement should be designed and utilized. Concurrently,a studies, decisions concerning type of core, core realization of the limitationsof the laboratory size, and experimental apparatus are made model is necessaryfor accurate interpretationof considering scaling laws, dispersive effects, results obtained. duplication of reservoir conditions, and the unique parametersof the particularprocess being utilized. Experimental flooding techniques and INTRODUCTION interpretation of subsequent results are discussed for each type of EOR method. TheseSelecting and implementing an EOR method tests are based on those found in the published requires several steps (Fig. 1). Initially,with literatureand experience at this laboratory. a basic knowledge of reservoir properties and formation fluid characteristics, a technical EOR methods discussed include polymer,, screening guide is consulted for judging the surfactant-polyfner, alkaline flooding, thermal, possible applicability of a particular method. and miscible and inonisciblegas displacement. This is followed by crude oil characterization, The critical flow study parameters are considered injection water studies, and reservoir rock for each method. What can be learned from each property characterization. After selection of type 0: coreflood experiment is described and candidate methods, basic static tests are carried limitationsare given. Specific techniques used out* Methods which appear to be promising are in carrying out each type of coreflood experiment then subjected to flow studies in porous media are presented. The coreflooding aspects of where semi-realistic...