Abstract-Clusters of Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP) nodes with multi-core Chip-Multiprocessors (CMP), also known as SMP-CMP clusters, are becoming ubiquitous today. For Message Passing interface (MPI) programs, such clusters have a multilayer hierarchical communication structure: the performance of intra-node communication is usually higher than that of internode communication; and the performance of intra-node communication is not uniform with communications between cores within a chip offering higher performance than communications between cores in different chips. As a result, the mapping from Message Passing Interface (MPI) processes to cores within each compute node, that is, processor affinity, may significantly affect the performance of intra-node communication, which in turn may impact the overall performance of MPI applications. In this work, we study the impacts of processor affinity on MPI performance in SMP-CMP clusters through extensive benchmarking and identify the conditions when processor affinity is (or is not) a major factor that affects performance.