We develop a scaling theory of the unjamming transition of soft frictionless disks in two dimensions by defining local areas, which can be uniquely assigned to each contact. These serve to define local order parameters, whose distribution exhibits divergences as the unjamming transition is approached. We derive scaling forms for these divergences from a mean-field approach that treats the local areas as non interacting entities, and demonstrate that these results agree remarkably well with numerical simulations. We find that the asymptotic behaviour of the scaling functions arises from the geometrical structure of the packing while the overall scaling with the compression energy depends on the force law. We use the scaling forms of the distributions to determine the scaling of the total grain area AG, and the total number of contacts NC .PACS numbers: 83.80. Fg, 81.05.Rm, Introduction: The jamming of soft particles has been used as a paradigmatic model of granular [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] and glassy systems [10][11][12], active matter [13] and biological tissues [14]. Frictionless soft disks and spheres serve as a first approximation to many theoretical models and have been extensively investigated over the last decade [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. The unjamming transition of soft spheres exhibits properties reminiscent of critical points in equilibrium systems. Observations include power laws [16], a scaling form for the energy analogous to free energy and resulting relationships between scaling exponents [26], scaling collapse of dynamical quantities such as viscosity [28], and indications of diverging length scales [21]. Many scaling properties of soft particles near the jamming transition have been analysed in detail [29,30], and finite-size scaling studies seem to suggest a mixed order transition with two critical exponents [18,21].Despite considerable effort towards a unifying theory, a clear description of unjamming is still lacking, and the origin of various power laws in this system have remained somewhat mysterious. Theories so far have focussed on the behavior of global quantities such as energy, packing fraction, pressure, stresses, and the total contact numbers. This is in contrast to the norm in studying critical points where a local order parameter and its distribution within the system is of primary importance. In this Letter we highlight the emergence of diverging contributions to distributions of local quantities, and show how the underlying disorder of the contact network naturally lead to these divergences. This in turn leads to non-trivial power laws involving global quantities such as the excess contact number, and the areas occupied by grains.Our treatment relies on assigning local grain areas to triangular units uniquely associated with individual contacts, which play the role of "quasiparticles". We use properties of the underlying distribution of interparticle distances and angles to derive a probability distribution of these areas, and compare these predictio...