The vortex contribution to the dc magnetic field (H) dependence of the microwave surface impedance Z s (H)ϭR s (H)ϩiX s (H) of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7Ϫ␦ thin films was measured using suspended patterned resonators. Z s (H) is shown to be a direct measure of the flux density B(H) enabling a very precise test of models of flux penetration. Three regimes of field-dependent behavior were observed: ͑1͒ Initial flux penetration occurs on very low-field scales H i ͑4.2 K͒ϳ10 mT, ͑2͒ at moderate fields the flux penetration into the virgin state is in excellent agreement with calculations based upon the field-induced Bean critical state for thin-film geometry, parametrized by a field scale H s (4.2 K)ϳJ c dϳ0.5 T, and ͑3͒ for very high fields HӷH s , the flux density is uniform and the measurements enable direct determination of vortex parameters such as pinning force constants ␣ p and vortex viscosity . However, hysteresis loops are in disagreement with the thin-film Bean model, and instead are governed by the low-field scale H i , rather than by H s . Geometric barriers are insufficient to account for the hysteresis loops.