SUMMARY1. The ultrastructure of all the afferent fibres, or all the efferent fibres, was studied in selected nerves from chronically de-afferentated or de-efferentated cat hind limbs perfusion-fixed with glutaraldehyde.2. The following parameters were measured: number of lamellae in the myelin sheath (n), axon perimeter (s), external fibre perimeter (S), axon cross-sectional area (A). Fibres were allocated to afferent groups I, II, III or efferent groups a and y according to the number of lamellae in the myelin sheath.3. of axon so that m = 2-58 log10 s -1t73. The interpretation that there are two separate linear relations for large and small fibres is favoured. 6. The ratio of axon to external fibre perimeter (g) falls from about 0 70 for group III and small y fibres in the cat to about 0-62 for group II and large y fibres and then rises again to 0'70, or even 0-75 for group I and a axons. (Hursh, 1939;Lubinska, 1960; Coppin, 1973) and between I and 0 (Coppin & Jack, 1972).8. From the theoretical analyses of Rushton (1951) and others 0 should be proportional to the external dimensions of the fibre rather than to axon size. It is shown