In this paper, we investigate the statistical features of the fully developed, forced, rapidly rotating, turbulent system using numerical simulations, and model the energy spectrum that fits well with the numerical data. Among the wavenumbers (k) larger than the Kolmogorov dissipation wavenumber, the energy is distributed such that the suitably non-dimensionized energy spectrum isĒ(k) ≈ exp(−0.05k), where overbar denotes appropriate non-dimensionalization. For the wavenumbers smaller than that of forcing, the energy in a horizontal plane is much more than that along the vertical rotation-axis. For such wavenumbers, we find that the anisotropic energy spectrum, E(k ⊥ , k ) follows the power law scaling, k −5/2 ⊥ k −1/2 , where '⊥'and ' ' respectively refer to the directions perpendicular and parallel to the rotation axis; this result is in line with the Kuznetsov-Zakharov-Kolmgorov spectrum predicted by the weak inertial-wave turbulence theory for the rotating fluids.