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IntroductionCoal mining is a heavy industry that plays an important role on an energy market and employs hundreds of thousands of people. Coal mining is also an industry, where large amount of data is produced but little is done to utilise them in further analysis. Besides, there is a justified need to integrate different aspects of coal mine operation in order to maintain continuity of mining what can be done by introduction of a decision support system (DSS).Currently coal mines are well equipped with the monitoring, supervising and dispatching systems connected with machines, devices and transport facilities. Additionally, there are the systems for monitoring natural hazards (methane-, seismic-and fire hazards) operating in the coal mines. All these systems are provided by many different companies, what causes problems with quality, integration and proper interpretation of the collected data. Another issue is that the collected data are used chiefly for current (temporary) visualisation on boards which display certain places in the mine. Whereas, application of domain knowledge and the results of historical data analysis can improve the operator's and supervisor's work significantly.For example, due to the short-term prognoses about methane concentration, linked with the information about the location and work intensity of the cutter loader, it is possible to prevent emergency energy shutdowns and maintain continuity of mining (the research on this methodology was discussed in [27]). This will enable to increase the production volume and to reduce the wear of electrical elements whose exploitation time depends on the number of switch-ons and switch-offs.It is possible to see the rising awareness of monitoring systems suppliers who has started to understand the necessity to make the next step in these systems development. Therefore, the companies providing monitoring systems seek their competitive advantage in equipping their systems with knowledge engineering, modelling and data analysis methods. This is a strong motivation to consider a DSS presented in this paper.The goal of this paper is to present an architecture of the DISESOR integrated decision support system. The system integrates data from different monitoring systems and contains an expert system module, that can utilise domain expert knowledge, and analytical module, that can be applied to diagnosis of the processes and devices and to prediction of natural hazards. Special focus of the paper is put on the data integration and data cleaning issues, such as outlier detection, realised by means of the data warehouse and the ETL process. The work also contains a more detailed presentation of the prediction module and two case studies showing real applications of the system.The contribution of the paper consists of the architecture of the DISESOR integrated decision support system, its data repository and prediction module. Additionally, it covers the presentation of the issues connected with the preparation and cleaning of the da...