Recently reported transverse momentum distributions of strange hadrons produced in Pb͑158A GeV͒ on Pb collisions and corresponding results from the relativistic quantum molecular dynamics approach are examined. We argue that the experimental observations favor a scenario in which multistrange hadrons are formed and decouple from the system rather early at large energy densities (at about 1 GeV͞fm 3 ). The systematics of the strange and nonstrange particle spectra indicate that the observed transverse flow develops mainly in the late hadronic stages of these reactions.[S0031-9007(98)07927-7] PACS numbers: 25.75.Ld, 24.10.Lx, 25.75.Dw The purpose of the current and forthcoming heavy ion programs at the high energy laboratories CERN (Switzerland) and Brookhaven National Laboratory (US) is to probe strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions, i.e., at high densities and temperatures. The central subject of these studies is the transition from the quark-gluon plasma to hadronic matter. In the early phases of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, when a hot, dense region is formed in the center of the reaction, there is copious production of up, down, and strange quarks. Transverse expansion is driven by the numerous scatterings among the incoming and produced particles. As the medium expands and cools, the quarks combine to form the hadrons that are eventually observed.On the experimental side, the presence of strong radial transverse flow in the Pb͑158A GeV͒ on Pb collisions was deduced from the systematics of nonstrange particle spectra some time ago [1,2]. The long awaited spectra of multiple strange baryons J 2 and V, measured at midrapidity, were reported during the Quark Matter '97 conference [3]. Quite surprisingly, the reported slopes of these hadrons are much softer than expected from an interpolation based on the measured slope parameters of nonstrange particles, hadrons with a single strange quark only and deuterons [2,4]. A compilation of the experimental data as obtained by the NA44, NA49, and WA97 collaborations is shown in Fig. 1.In this Letter we argue that the transverse momentum spectra encode valuable information on the decoupling process of strange and nonstrange hadrons in the medium and the time development of flow during the evolution [5]. It has been recognized for a long time [6] that hadron momentum spectra reflect the collective flow developing in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. The flows may be related to bulk and transport properties in the ultradense matterlike transient pressure and viscosities. Hydrodynamic behavior may be expected at least for truly large colliding systems such as Pb 1 Pb.Concerning the search for the quark-gluon plasma, one would like to identify the regions in energy density at which the equation of state (EOS) softens, presumably due to the phase transition or crossover between hadronic and quark matter. Another topic of interest is to see the EOS becoming hard again at yet higher densities. At temperatures much larger than the critical tempera...