We demonstrate a fundamentally mode-locked Yb-fiber laser with 3 GHz repetition rate and ∼206 fs pulse duration. The laser incorporates two enabling technologies: a 1 cm heavily Yb-doped phosphate glass fiber as the gain medium and a high-dispersion (−1300 fs 2 ) output coupler to manage cavity dispersion. The oscillator self-starts and generates up to 53 mW average power. © 2012 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 140.3510, 060.3510, 140.4050, 140.7090, 320.7090. High-repetition-rate (>1 GHz) lasers with femtosecond pulse duration are required in many applications. For nonlinear bio-optical imaging (e.g., two-photon fluorescence excitation microscopy), in which photo-induced damage is caused by pulse energy rather than average power, increasing pulse repetition rate will improve signal-to-noise ratio and reduce data acquisition time [1]. Frequency combs, which are achieved by fully stabilizing both the repetition rate and the carrier-envelope offset frequency of multi-GHz lasers, exhibit large line spacing (equal to the laser's repetition rate) that may permit access to and manipulation of each individual comb line. Such capabilities have opened numerous frequency domain applications, including optical arbitrary waveform generation, high-speed analog-to-digital conversion, and high-resolution spectroscopy [2]. Of particular importance is precision calibration of astronomical spectrographs to search for Earth-like exoplanets, which normally requires femtosecond laser frequency combs with >15 GHz line spacing ("astro-comb") [3][4][5][6][7][8]. Current implementation of an astro-comb relies on using multiple Fabry-Perot (FP) filtering cavities to multiply the line spacing of a frequency comb based on low-repetition-rate lasers. For example, Wilken et al.'s astro-comb system employed a 250 MHz Yb-fiber laser as the front end, followed by three cascade FP filtering cavities for line-space multiplication [7]. Stabilizing these FP cavities, locking them to the frequency comb, and preventing parasitic cavities between two FP cavities constitute the major challenge in constructing a practical astro-comb. Such an issue can be alleviated by employing a frequency comb based on a femtosecond laser operating at a much higher repetition rate (e.g., 3-10 GHz). The significantly simplified astro-comb requires only one FP cavity and becomes more reliable. Several types of femtosecond mode-locked lasers have demonstrated operation with a >1 GHz repetition rate [9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. Up to date, however, fully stabilized frequency combs with >1 GHz comb spacing are only implemented based on Ti:Sapphire lasers (10 GHz) [16], Yb-fiber lasers (1 GHz) [17], and most recently Er-fiber lasers (1 GHz) [18]. Among them, Yb-fiber laser frequency combs possess superior power scalability thanks to the rapid development of double-clad Yb-fibers and high-brightness pump diodes, as well as the Yb-fiber's high pump-to-signal conversion efficiency (∼80%). For example, Yb-fiber laser frequency combs with 80 W average power have been d...