We study the time dependence of the decoherence factor (DF) of a qubit globally coupled to an environmental spin system (ESS) which is driven across the quantum critical point (QCP) by varying a parameter of its Hamiltonian in time t as 1 − t/τ or −t/τ , to which the qubit is coupled starting at the time t → −∞; here, τ denotes the inverse quenching rate. In the limit of weak coupling, we analyze the time evolution of the DF in the vicinity of the QCP (chosen to be at t = 0) and define three quantities, namely, the generalized fidelity susceptibility χF (τ ) (defined right at the QCP), and the decay constants α1(τ ) and α2(τ ) which dictate the decay of the DF at a small but finite t(> 0). Using a dimensional analysis argument based on the Kibble-Zurek healing length, we show that χF (τ ) as well as α1(τ ) and α2(τ ) indeed satisfy universal power-law scaling relations with τ and the exponents are solely determined by the spatial dimensionality of the ESS and the exponents associated with its QCP. Remarkably, using the numerical t-DMRG method, these scaling relations are shown to be valid in both the situations when the ESS is integrable and non-integrable and also for both linear and non-linear variation of the parameter. Furthermore, when an integrable ESS is quenched far away from the QCP, there is a predominant Gaussian decay of the DF with a decay constant which also satisfies a universal scaling relation.
PACS numbers:In the context of quantum computation and information [1, 2], one of the major issues is the study of decoherence [3, 4], namely, the loss of coherence in a quantum system due to its interaction with the environment. To investigate the environment induced decoherence of a qubit in the vicinity of a quantum critical point (QCP) [5, 6] of the environment, a paradigmatic model known as the central spin model (CSM) [7, 8] has been generalized to the context of a quantum phase transition [9].In the CSM a central spin (CS) or a qubit is globally coupled to an environmental quantum many body system, usually chosen to be a quantum spin system, referred to as the environmental spin system (ESS) in the subsequent discussions. The ESS is initially in its ground state while the CS is in a pure state; the global coupling between the qubit and the environment is so chosen that the subsequent time evolution of the initial ground state wave function of the ESS occurs along two channels dictated by two different Hamiltonians. Even though the qubit is initially in a pure state, it has been shown that it loses its purity (almost completely) [9] when the ESS is close to its quantum critical point (QCP). Question we address in this letter is as follows: what happens when the ESS is slowly driven across its QCP? Is there a universality associated with the dynamically generated decoherence quantified by the decoherence factor (DF) of the CS especially in a limit when the coupling between the CS and the spin chain is weak?Although we shall consider more generic nonintegrable models in this letter, let us first il...