We construct optimized implementations of the CNOT and other universal two-qubit gates that, unlike many of the previously proposed protocols, are carried out in a single step. The new protocols require tunable inter-qubit couplings but, in return, show a significant improvements in the quality of gate operations. Our optimization procedure can be further extended to the combinations of elementary two-qubit as well as irreducible many-qubit gates.According to one of the central results obtained in quantum information theory, an arbitrarily complex quantum protocol can be decomposed into a sequence of single-qubit rotations and two-qubit gates [1]. However, despite its providing a convenient means of designing logical circuits, in practice such a decomposition may not necessarily achieve the shortest possible times of operation and, consequently, the lowest possible decoherence rates. In any practical implementations, however, the latter are crucially important, for any realistic qubit system would always suffer a detrimental effect of its dissipative environment.Recently, there have been various attempts to improve the performance of universal quantum gates by searching for their optimal implementations among the entire class of two-qubit Hamiltonians with the most general time dependent coefficients. However, a typical outcome of such a tour-de-force variational search [2] tends to be a complicated sequence of highly irregular pulses whose physical content often remains largely obscure.In the search of a more sophisticated analytical approach, a number of authors invoked optimal control theory with the goal of implementing a desired unitary transformation independently of the initial state. The resulting complex system of nonlinear integral-differential equations can be solved numerically with the help of the Krotov or similar iterative algorithms [3].Conceivably, a significantly simpler alternative to the above approaches would be a straightforward implementation of a given unitary transformation in the smallest possible number of steps, during each of which the Hamiltonian remains constant. A well known example of this kind is provided by the two-qubit SWAP gate which can be readily implemented (up to a global phase) with the use of the spin-rotationally invariant Heisenberg inter-qubit coupling that remains constant during the gate operation.In this paper, we construct one-step implementations of some widely used universal gates. In contrast to the previous works where a constant decoherence rate was assumed and, therefore, the overall loss of coherence accumulated during a gate operation would be evaluated solely on the basis of its total duration, we quantify the adverse effect of the environment by actually solving the corresponding master equation for the density matrix of the coupled qubits. In this way, we account for the fact that the decoherence rates generally depend upon (and vary with) the adjustable parameters of the Hamiltonian.The problem of implementing a given unitary transformation in the co...