We consider the critical spin-spin correlation function of the Ashkin-Teller and Baxter models.By using path-integral techniques in the continuum description of these models in terms of fermion fields, we show that the correlation decays with distance with the same critical exponent as the Ising model. The procedure is straightforwardly extended to take into account the presence of a line defect. Thus we find that in these altered models the critical index of the magnetic correlation on the defect coincides with the one of the defective 2D Ising or Bariev's model. or Baxter models [2]. These last two systems can be mapped onto one another through a duality transformation. They can be considered as two Ising magnets coupled by four-spin interactions. They are the first examples of non-universal critical behavior, in the sense that the critical exponents of certain operators are continuous functions of the parameter of the four-spin coupling. An anisotropic version of these models [3][4] leads to an interesting universality-nonuniversality crossover recently analyzed [5]. Apart from academic interest the AT and 8V models are useful to shed light on a variety of phenomena, in both classical and quantum physics, ranging from biological applications [6] to the theory of cuprate superconductors [7].Concerning the isotropic case, which we will consider in this work, it was conjectured that the magnetization keeps the Ising behavior, with a universal exponentThis result was later proved by Baxter through corner transfer matrices [4]. It is however surprising that there is no other direct computation of the two-spin correlation function in the literature.Much less is known exactly about the behavior of these systems in the presence of line defects [10]. For the simpler Ising lattice with an altered row (Bariev's model [11]) it has been shown that the scaling index of the magnetization varies continuously with the defect strength [11,12], whereas the critical exponent of the energy density at the defect line remains unchanged [13,14,15]. Taking this model as working bench, much insight was obtained about the origin of nonuniversal critical behavior. For instance, in Ref. [16] necessary conditions for the dependence of exponents on the coupling constants were derived.Interesting connections with integrable quantum field theories were also revealed [17].Despite these important advances the behavior of the spin-spin correlator for critical 8V-AT models with line defects remains unknown. The main goal of this paper is to help filling this gap. We shall derive a central feature of that critical behavior through a straightforward calculation performed within the continuous formulation of AT-8V models, using well established path-integral techniques. Since AT-8V models have both magnetic and electric correlations [4] (the electric correlations have continuously varying exponents [18]), we stress that in this paper we will be concerned with magnetic correlations only. We will show that 2 the magnetic exponent depends on t...