This paper introduces a new algorithm (BUNTUS-Built-up, Nighttime Light, and Travel time for Urban Size) using remote sensing techniques to delineate urban boundaries. The paper is part of a larger study of the role of urbanisation in changing fossil fuel emissions. The method combines estimates of land cover, nighttime lights, and travel times to classify contiguous urban areas. The method is automatic, global and uses data sets with enough duration to establish trends. Validation using ground truth from Landsat-8 OLI images revealed an overall accuracy ranging from 60% to 95%. Thus, this approach is capable of describing spatial distributions and giving detailed information of urban extents. We demonstrate the method with examples from Brisbane, Australia, Melbourne, Australia, and Beijing, China. The new method meets the criteria for studying overall trends in urban emissions.In social science, the areas with high population densities are regarded as urban or city areas [8]. Economics defines the city by its political, cultural, and economic characteristics [9].This work forms the first part of a study of the global distribution of trends in urban fossil fuel emissions and related quantities. That study requires a definition of urban extent so we can attribute emissions as urban or not. The needs of the overall study provide some important requirements for the algorithm we use for the urban extent. We will use these so often throughout the paper that we label them here:
R1The study is global, so we may only choose globally consistent and available datasets. R2 We wish to study enough cities to establish patterns, so the algorithm must be computationally efficient enough for large-scale use. R3 Changes in urban extent can be small, so the algorithm must work at high resolution, no more than 1 km. R4 The study must be long enough to establish trends. We estimate this requires two decades of data.In this paper, we propose a novel and multiple-step approach which satisfies these requirements. We define an urban area as a contiguous (i.e., simply connected) and compact region including a pre-defined urban center and which satisfies several criteria relating to density and surface properties. The urban boundary is the bounding polygon for this region. The compactness requirement means that gaps such as green belts (but not water) should be included in the urban area. The criteria which define the urban area must be deducible from datasets satisfying R1, R3, and R4.The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we review existing methods for determining urban extent, focusing on their utility for our task. In Section 3, we describe our methodology and its underlying data sets. In Section 3, we also present available validation for the method and three case studies of different cities. In Section 4, we validate and discuss the results with a particular focus on the uncertainties of the method and summary of the main results. Section 5 comprises of discussion and Section 6 comprises of conclusion.