This paper discusses the operation and imaging properties of various types of optical heterodyne interferometer. Conditions needed to achieve confocality in differential interference microscopes are considered. This leads to a novel extended focus phase imaging mode. Results are presented which demonsirate this mode of operation and show the ability of the technique to produce accurate phase measurement on samples with warp and tilt, over a range much greater than the depth of focus of the objective lens.
I . INTRODUCTIQNThe scanning confocal optical microscope owes much of its success to the fact that the system eliminates signals from features which are out of focus. The microscope will thus render sharp images in the presence of considerable background scatter. This differs from the response obtained in a conventional full field optical microscope or a type I scanning microscope where the out of focus features contribute significantly to the image distribution, thus resulting in images of poor definition and contrast. This depth discriminating property means that the confocal microscope is an important tool for imaging three dimensional structures. A corollary of the depth resolution of the confocal microscope is the ability to form images with enormous depth of focus. If, in addition to raster scanning the sample, it is also scanned axially and the output from each axial position is added, the image appears to be in focus throughout the scan. This imaging mode is called the extended focus imaging mode and enables the confocal optical microscope to be used to form sharp images on tilted and warped samples.1 It has long been recognised that scanning optical interferometers give a confocal response.2'3 They have the advantage that, with any one particular system configuration, a number of imaging modes are afforded. This leads to systems with a high degree of flexibility and thus provide a diverse applications. In this paper, we describe the operation and the various imaging modes of one such interferometer, namely, the differential heterodyne interference microscope. The first section introduces the different interferometric techniques and explain how confocality is achieved. These have various modes of operation which are reviewed. This is followed by a detailed discussion of a novel extended focus phase imaging (EFPI) modality. The theoretical background for this mode of operation will be given. Experimental results, demonstrating the ability of this technique in providing accurate phase measurement on warped samples, are presented. Finally, we will discuss applications of the other imaging modes and further work that is being undertaken.
OPERATION OF HETERODYNE INTERFERENCE MICROSCOPESHeterodyne interferometers have frequency shifting elements incorporated into them such that the optical frequency of one arm of the interferometer is shifted relative to the other. This has the advantage that the signal is well away from 1/f noise, giving an improved signal to noise ratio. Furthermore, the object induced ampli...