With the help of low-frequency Raman spectroscopy, the peculiarity of structural organization of oriented PE produced by multistage zone drawing of melt-crystallized films was studied. The draw ratios varied from DR ¼ 6 to 21 for PEI with M h ¼ 8·10 4 and from 3.5 to 5.7 for PEII with M h < 10 6 :The half widths (Dn) of all observed LAM bands were larger than 10 -20 cm 21 . This means that the bands comprise a continuum of the overlapped elementary bands with Dn < 3 cm 21 because of the wide straight -chain segments (SCS) length distribution. The length (L) of straight segments calculated from LAM-spectra, following a routine procedure, lies in the range from 7 -8 to 60 nm.Weight fractions G MW of the SCS, as functions of their length, have a bell-like shape. Comparison of the SCS lengths with the value of the long periods (D) inferred from SAXS data for the same samples indicates that the lengths do not exceed 2D. The structural interpretation of the data obtained is given on the basis of microfibrillar models of oriented polymers. The peculiarity of the microfibrillar structure in PEI and PEII samples such as crystallite sizes and shapes and concentrations of inter-and intrafibrillar tie molecules, manifest themselves as the shape of G MW (L) functions obtained for PE samples of various M w and DR.