We have developed scanning microdeformation microscopy (SMM) in reflection mode, which is a form of contact a.c. force microscopy using a tip size of the order of a micron. The tip is mounted at the end of the cantilever and vibrates in contact with the sample. The system uses a resonance frequency and enables quantitative material characterization at any point of the sample surface.Quantifying the local elastic properties of the material requires realistic modeling of the behavior of the system. In this paper, we present a model in which the cantilever is considered as a continuous medium. The model uses the hertzian contact theory to describe the mechanical contact between the sample and the tip, represented by a spring. Moreover, this model takes into account the experimental aspect of the clamped cantilever base. The associated boundary conditions are physically justified.Experimental measurements have been performed. They show the evolution of the resonance frequency when contacting different samples. The corresponding fitted theoretical curves give reasonable agreement with experiment and allow measurement of the local elastic properties of the sample with good accuracy (better than 5%).In scanning probe microscopy, the deformation behavior of a very small volume of material at a surface is of great importance in determining the adhesive and tribological properties of materials. Recent studies on the subject show that dynamic ultrasonic methods, such as force modulation microscopy or atomic force acoustic microscopy [1-9], are powerful tools for investigating the adhesive energy or sample stiffness with high resolution. These a.c. methods, in which the probe tip periodically interacts with the sample, reveal changes in the contrast when different materials are present at the sample surface or when subsurface defects are detectable. In our setup, scanning microdeformation microscopy (SMM), we use a form of contact a.c. force microscopy with a tip size of the order of a micron. The tip, mounted at the end of a cantilever (as in atomic microscopy), vibrates in contact with the sample in the kilohertz range. In this paper, we describe a realistic model of the complete probe by using a continuum mechanics model, where the forces acting on the tip are introduced as boundary conditions. Because a quantitative calculation of the resonance frequencies is essential when quantitative information about the local elasticity of the sample is to be extracted, we have compared the experimental and theoretical results and improved the model in order to obtain good accuracy for the local properties of the samples investigated.
Experimental setupOur SMM has been described in previous publications [2,8], where the two operating modes, transmission and reflection, were presented. The cantilever probe of the system has since been improved, and Fig. 1a shows the latest version of the SMM operating in reflection mode.The probe head, which is the sensitive element of the system (Fig. 1b), consists of a piezoelectric bimorph transdu...