The control of quantum coupling between nano-objects is essential to quantum technologies. Confined nanostructures, such as cavities, resonators or quantum dots, are designed to enhance interactions between electrons, photons or phonons, giving rise to new properties on which devices are developed. The nature and strength of these interactions are often measured indirectly on an assembly of dissimilar objects. Here, we adopt an innovative point of view by directly mapping the coupling of single nanostructures using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM and STS). We take advantage of the unique capabilities of STM/STS to map simultaneously the nano-object's morphology and electronic density in order to observe in real space the electronic coupling of pairs of In(Ga)As/GaAs self-assembled Quantum Dots (QDs) forming Quantum Dots Molecules (QDMs). Differential conductance maps dI/dV(E, x, y) demonstrate the presence of an effective electronic coupling leading to bonding and antibonding states, even for dissymmetric QDMs. The experimental results are supported by numerical 2 simulations. Actual geometry of the QDMs is taken into account to determine the strength of the coupling, showing the crucial role of quantum dot size and pair separation for devices growth optimization.