Engineering the electronic band structure of two-dimensional electron liquids (2DELs) confined at the surface or interface of transition metal oxides is key to unlocking their full potential. Here we describe a new approach to tailoring the electronic structure of an oxide surface 2DEL demonstrating the lateral modulation of electronic states with atomic scale precision on an unprecedented length scale comparable to the Fermi wavelength. To this end, we use pulsed laser deposition to grow anatase TiO 2 films terminated by a (1 × 4) in-plane surface reconstruction. Employing photo-stimulated chemical surface doping we induce 2DELs with tunable carrier densities that are confined within a few TiO 2 layers below the surface. Subsequent in-situ angle resolved photoemission experiments demonstrate that the (1 × 4) surface reconstruction provides a periodic lateral perturbation of the electron liquid. This causes strong backfolding of the electronic bands, opening of unidirectional gaps and a saddle point singularity in the density of states near the chemical potential.Keywords: anatase titanium dioxide, angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, two---dimensional electron liquid, lateral patterning, surface reconstruction
Main textTwo dimensional electron liquids (2DELs) confined at the surface [1][2][3] 25,26 . Moreover, as shown in Figure 1c, its conduction band minimum at the Γ point has pure d xy orbital character, which strongly enhances the confinement in a band-bending potential 24,32 .Experimentally, we induce a surface band-bending potential that quantum-confines electrons along the z direction by exposing the anatase TiO 2 thin films to synchrotron UV light at a temperature < 20 K (see Figure 2a and Supplementary Information Section II for more details). The surface electron doping is caused by formation of surface oxygen vacancies through photon-induced desorption of O + ions. This process has been recognized early by Knotek and Feibelman for TiO 2 33 , and was recently used to create 2DELs on other oxides including SrTiO 3 , KTaO 3 1-3,34-36 . By controlling the irradiation time, we can tune the carrier density. As the irradiation time increases, the carrier density and corresponding Fermi wave vector increases and eventually saturates. In Figure 2b and 2c we show the photoemission intensity map of the saturated states, and the irradiation time dependent momentum distribution curves (MDC) taken at E F . Note that the photoemission intensity of the metallic states is suppressed when measured around the Γ 00 point due to the photoemission matrix effect, thus the ARPES data shown below were measured around the Γ 10 point (see Supplementary Information Section IV for more details). In Figures 2d-2f, we characterize the resulting saturated 2DEL. The first clear signature of quantum confinement is the presence of three peaks in the energy distribution curve (EDC) taken at the Γ 10 point in an energy range where the bulk band structure shows only a single state. We associate the experimentally observed p...