range. [7][8][9] The CaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 (CCTO) perovskite has been defined "giant-κ" materials, and looked suitable for high capacity density planar condensers representing key devices for wireless communication. In fact, since it did not show any ferroelectric transition or relaxor behaviour, appeared really attractive for the replacement of ferroelectrics, which are known for having lower dielectric constant values and stronger temperature dependence. Huge efforts of different research groups have been devoted to determine the origin of such prodigious dielectric response. [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] Some theories tried to correlate the CCTO high-κ value to its peculiar cubic perovskite structure. [10][11][12] In fact, it has been demonstrated that the Ti 4+ symmetry in CCTO is much lower than in a cubic standard ABO 3 perovskite cell, because of the tilting of TiO 6 octahedra caused by the square-planar Cu 2+ ions. [14] Hence, its high permittivity could be due to the local dipole moments associated with off-center displacement of Ti 4+ ions, which could also rule out the pure ferroelectric behaviour. Nevertheless, the most accepted explanation of such huge dielectric constant has been related to the "internal barrier-layer mechanism", which has been discussed in CCTO ceramics in terms of conducting grains and insulating grain boundaries. [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21] All these results have been actually collected on bulk materials, however it is not obvious to find the same properties on thin films. In this context, in order to evaluate the potentiality for a real integration of this novel material in device fabrication, the investigation of thin film dielectric properties has been a mandatory issue. First attempts to grow CCTO thin films have been carried out by pulsed laser deposition technique on perovskite oxide substrates [22][23][24][25] and later on technological substrates such as platinum electrodes on silicon. [26][27][28][29] It has been found that the dielectric constant of CCTO thin films is not as huge as in the case of CCTO ceramics, and that, in best conditions, a dielectric constant value in the order of 1500 can be reached [27] and, most of all, that this value strongly depends on many factors, such as deposition conditions, substrate nature, post-deposition treatments and so on. [29][30][31][32][33][34] Actually, a variation of the dielectric constant value with temperature or frequency has been also observed in ceramics, depending on synthetic method and/or post-sintering conditions. [35][36][37] From these discoveries until CaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 (CCTO) perovskite has been widely investigated because of its excellent dielectric properties, i.e. huge and constant permittivity upon varying temperature and frequencies, which are really attractive in wireless communication devices. These characteristics have been originally demonstrated in single crystals and ceramics. Hence, huge efforts have been focused on the fabrication and investigation of CCTO thin films. F...