The effect of scanning speed on titanium aluminide Ti3Al produced in-situ during laser metal deposited TiC/Ti6Al4V has been investigated and its effect on the microhardness and wear-resistance properties has been studied. In this study, the titanium alloy Ti6Al4V (an important aerospace alloy) was deposited in combination with titanium carbide TiC using a laser metal deposition process. The laser power was maintained at 3.2 kW throughout the deposition process. The powder flow rate and the gas flow rate were also kept at constant values of 2.88 g/min and 2 l/min, respectively. The scanning speed was varied between 0.015 and 0.105 m/s, and the influence of the scanning speed on the titanium aluminide (Ti3Al) produced in-situ was studied, and its effect on the wear resistance behaviour was also investigated. The study revealed that as the scanning speed was initially increased, the Ti3Al produced in-situ was found to increase and the wear resistance was found to improve. As the scanning speed was further increased beyond 0.06 m/s, the Ti3Al produced and the wear resistance were found to decrease. Keywords: laser metal deposition process, microhardness, microstructure, titanium alloy, Ti 3 Al, wear resistance Preiskovan je bil vpliv hitrosti skeniranja na in-situ nastanek titanovega aluminida -Ti3Al, izdelanega med lasersko depozicijo TiC/Ti6Al4V ter prou~evan je bil njen vpliv na mikrotrdoto in obrabne lastnosti. V tej {tudiji je bila titanova zlitina -Ti6Al4V (pomembna zlitina za letalstvo), nane{ena v kombinaciji s titanovim karbidom -TiC, s pomo~jo postopka laserskega nana{anja. Med postopkom nana{anja je bila vzdr`evana mo~laserja pri 3,2 kW. Hitrosti toka prahu in toka plina sta bili zadr`ani pri konstantnih vrednostih 2,88 g/min in 2 l/min. Hitrost skeniranja se je spreminjala med 0,015 in 0,105 m/s. [tudiran je bil vpliv hitrosti skeniranja na in-situ nastanek titanovega aluminide (Ti3Al) ter njen vpliv na obna{anje pri obrabi. [tudija je odkrila, da je za~etno pove~anje hitrosti skeniranja pove~alo in-situ nastajanje Ti3Al, pove~ala se je tudi odpornost proti obrabi. Pri nadaljnjem pove~evanju hitrosti skeniranja nad 0,06 m/s, je bilo ugotovljeno zmanj{anje nastajanja Ti3Al in zmanj{anje odpornosti proti obrabi. Klju~ne besede: postopek nana{anja kovine z laserjem, mikrotrdota, mikrostruktura, titanova zlitina, Ti3Al, odpornost proti obrabi