Asset managers (AMRs) have long struggled to influence others within their organisations to support Asset Management (AM) practices. This dilemma was further highlighted with the issuance of the AM suite of standards, ISO 55000. This paper explores an alternative approach to existing influence and change management approaches. Social psychology, and more specifically Robert Cialdini's 'six principles of persuasion', have benefited advertisers, lawyers, and even waiters in their respective professions, by helping them to influence others and induce compliance. Fortunately, AMRs can now do the same. Implementing these principles offers numerous advantages and requires small, practical, and often costless changes that can make a large difference to their ability to influence and persuade others in an ethical way.
OPSOMMINGBatebestuurders (BBs) sukkel reeds lank om ander mense binne hulle organisasies te beïnvloed om batebestuurspraktyke te ondersteun. Hierdie dilemma is verder beklemtoon met die uitreiking van die versamelde Batebestuur (BB) standaarde, ISO 55000. Hierdie studie ondersoek 'n alternatiewe benadering tot bestaande invloed-en veranderingsbestuursbenaderings. Sosiale sielkunde, en meer spesifiek Robert Cialdini se ses beginsels van oorreding, het al adverteerders, prokureurs en selfs kelners in hulle onderskeie beroepe bevoordeel. Dit het hulle gehelp om ander mense te beïnvloed en toegeeflikheid te verseker. Gelukkig kan BBs nou die selfde doen. Die implementering van hierdie beginsels bied verskeie voordele en vereis slegs klein, praktiese en meestal kostelose veranderinge wat kan lei tot groot verskille in hulle vermoë om ander mense op 'n etiese manier te beïnvloed en te oorreed.