ScatterEditor is an Eclipse-based tool for the WSN platform ScatterWeb with a plug-in oriented architecture. The already deployed Embedded Sensor Boards (ESBs) can be configured, controlled and monitored over-the-air at the same time that the ESBs are programmed and tested. This is made possible by the combination of plug-ins for ScatterEditor. Furthermore ScatterEditor offers the possibility of Over-the-air software updates on the ESBs. These features can be used locally or remotely, over the internet, due to ScatterEditor's internet integration. Apart from the interconnection between IP and ScatterWeb, the focus of ScatterEditor lies with the aspect of human-computer interfaces for WSN. ScatterEditor provides the opportunity to test and discover different characteristics and properties of WSN illustratively and interactively. The plug-in oriented architecture encourages the enhancement of the tool, when new questions concerning WSN arise. ScatterEditor is based wholly on open source components, which are available at no extra cost.