In the first presentation' we reported an analysis of a GPS database of petroglyphs recorded in the westem US and British Columbia. These results indicated that a plasma flowing into the Earth's south magnetic pole produced an intense aurora seen worldwide. In this paper we report the findings of logged petroglyphs in Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana and northem Brazil as well as some preliminary results from 93 countries. With decreasing longitude towards the Greenwich Meridian, petroglyphs appear to take on an increasingly easterly orientation. This swing from south to east can be tracked through the eastem US and the Caribbean Islands to the petroglyph sites shown below (dots), between 0 and 8 degrees north and 51 to 62 degrees west?The spatial and temporal evolution of electrojet modulation, and the ELFNLF signal produced by ionospheric modification, is currently being studied in support of a planned experiment using the HAARP phased-array ionospheric heater [I]. Theory and simulation concentrated on the EMHD response of the maguetoplasma to an applied current pulse [2]. The collisionless case for zero-mass electrons is solved analytically. For finite electron mass, the response equations are solved by means of a numerical EMHD field solver. In the collisional case, a treatment using the Fokker-Planck equation, with the corresponding It6 stochastic differential equations, is planned. One requirement in optimizing the ELFNLF generation efficiency is knowledge of the electron density profile in the modified region. The Artificial Periodic Irregularities (API) technique [3] has been successful in reconstntcting electron density profiles in the E-Region at Sura and Tromso [4], but has not yet been implemented at HAARP. Details and results of the HAARP experiment will be discussed.