“…(2) as W α e (d j ) ∝ d j σ α |Ô j,e |d j σ α where |d j σ α is the state with a hole in the 3d orbital with spin σ along the α axis. Since one needs here only to calculate the matrix elements of the operatorÔ j,e on single site states, this can be done just by applying the dipole and fast collision approximations to the Kramers-Heisenberg formula for RIXS [33,34], so thatÔ j,e = αβ e αβD † β,jĜ jDα,j , whereD αj are the components of the dipole operator [22], and G j ∝ −ıc 1 +c 2Ŝj ·Π j is the intermediate state propagator (c 1,2 are constants depending on the resonant edge, see Fig. 1).…”