(a) 3D RCViewer (b) 3D Web ClientFigure 1: We define a novel 3D Repository that supports version tracking and asset distribution built on top of a NoSQL database. In (a), the 3D Revision Control Viewer enables repository inspection, individual revisions retrieval as well as conflict resolution and merging. In addition, the 3D Web Client, (b), remotely visualizes the contents of the repository in a web browser. Model courtesy of Network Rail.
AbstractThe maintenance of assets in a large 3D scene can involve many authors with potentially different skills and different modeling tools. The standard paradigm of collaborative editing is sharing of files between various instances of applications. This presents problems, not limited to maintaining consistency of the models and dealing with concurrent edits in the same part of a scene. In this paper, we present a novel framework for non-linear revision control and online distribution of 3D assets. This framework supports concurrent asynchronous 3D editing of models and tracking of multiple revisions so that they can be integrated at a later date. It thus provides similar functionality to file-based revision control systems, but is built around a NoSQL database, hence avoids the constraints of file based storage. The framework supports distributed editing over the Internet and additional lightweight clients in web-browsers with WebGL support.