A time course contingency is the modification of later phases of object recognition contingent upon stimulus information extracted earlier in processing. It can increase the efficiency of later processing and reduce computational burdens. This idea was instantiated within a global-to-local model and supported in 4 integration priming experiments, in which primes and target objects were presented briefly and then masked. In Experiments 1-3, global and coarse-grained common-feature primes presented early in processing facilitated discriminations between similarly shaped objects, even though they provided no discrimination-relevant information. In Experiment 4, global primes were more effective than local primes early in processing, whereas local primes were more effective than global primes late in processing.An important goal in the study of perceptual identification is to specify the time course of the relevant processes. In this endeavor, marked success has been achieved with pleasingly simple feature accumulation models, in which features are extracted over time and continuously activate form-level representations in a passive, bottom-up manner. For example, such models account for a wide variety of data on pattern and word perception (e.g., Estes, 1978;Keren & Baggen, 1981; Massaro & Sanocki, in press;Oden, 1979;Sanocki, 1990Sanocki, , 1991bShibuya & Bundesen, 1988;Townsend, 1981).The assumption of a bottom-up flow of information can be elaborated on to begin to account for object identification (e.g., Biederman, 1987). However, the adequacy of a bottom-up approach becomes questionable when the computational burdens of identifying three-dimensional objects are considered. Objects vary in size, orientation, and details of instances. They have many features that must be bound together, and objects with moving parts can vary greatly in shape. Any object can appear under different lighting conditions or be partially occluded. There is evidence indicating that the perceptual system can be sensitive to details of instances of letters (e.g., Sanocki, 1987Sanocki, , 1988Sanocki, , 1990Sanocki, , 1991b and objects (e.g., Jacoby, Baker, & Brooks, 1989;Price & Humphreys, 1989) and to differing object orientations (e.g., Jolicoeur, 1985;Palmer, Rosch, & Chase, 1981). This sen- Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Thomas Sanocki, Department of Psychology, BEH 339, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620-8200. Electronic mail may be sent to sanocki@figment.csee.usf.edu. sitivity may extend to differing part configurations and sufficiently different lighting conditions. If during object identification the perceptual system considered such factors for an unconstrained set of alternatives, the enormous number of combinations of stimulus features and feature-object mappings would create combinatorial explosion.These considerations support hypotheses that are not strictly bottom-up in nature. Of interest is the possibility that computational burdens may be reduced by using early stimulus info...