Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM) has long been recognised as a core problem to be solved within countless emerging mobile applications that require intelligent interaction or navigation in an environment. Classical solutions to the problem primarily aim at localisation and reconstruction of a geometric 3D model of the scene. More recently, the community increasingly investigates the development of Spatial Artificial Intelligence (Spatial AI), an evolutionary paradigm pursuing a simultaneous recovery of object-level composition and semantic annotations of the recovered 3D model. Several interesting approaches have already been presented, producing object-level maps with both geometric and semantic properties rather than just accurate and robust localisation performance. As such, they require much broader ground truth information for validation purposes. We discuss the structure of the representations and optimisation problems involved in Spatial AI, and propose new synthetic datasets that, for the first time, include accurate ground truth information about the scene composition as well as individual object shapes and poses. We furthermore propose evaluation metrics for all aspects of such joint geometric-semantic representations and apply them to a new semantic SLAM framework. It is our hope that the introduction of these datasets and proper evaluation metrics will be instrumental in the evaluation of current and future Spatial AI systems and as such contribute substantially to the overall research progress on this important topic.