9In nature, the composition of an ecosystem is thought to be important for determining its 10 resistance to invasion by new species. Studies of invasions in natural ecosystems, from plant 11 to microbial communities, have found that more diverse communities are more resistant to 12 invasion. It is thought that more diverse communities resist invasion by more completely 13 Recently, theoretical work using consumer-resource models has extended this intuition and 52 suggested that the emergent resource consumption and exchange in cross-feeding communities 53 can be understood as a community-level fitness which provides cohesiveness and therefore in-54 vasion resistance 14 . Experimental efforts suggest that this picture can capture some features of 55 experimental invasions in bacterial communities 15 . Collectively, this work shows that substantial 56 insight into invasion dynamics can come from understanding resource dynamics during an invasion 57 process. 58 However, in nearly all microbial communities there exist interactions that are not directly 59 3 mediated by resources: for example, antagonistic interactions such as the excretion of antibiotics 16 60 and predation by protists 17 or phage 18 . A handful of studies have examined the role these interac-61 tions play in determining the fate of invading species 19 , but, as recently pointed out by Mallon et 62 al. 20 , it remains an outstanding question how antagonistic interactions affect community invasion 63 dynamics. 64Here we use a model microbial community to study invasion dynamics in the presence of 65 antagonistic interactions. Microbial communities in freshwater lakes and nearby saturated soils 66 are occupied by primary producers who fix inorganic carbon, metabolically flexible heterotrophic 67 bacteria who decompose organic matter, and predators who unlock nutrients held in biomass 21 . To 68 study this canonical natural community, we use a three-species model microbial ecosystem com-69 prised of the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which acts as a primary producer and is an endemic 70 phototroph in soils and freshwater 22 , the bacterium Escherichia coli which acts as a decomposer 71 and is common in soils 23 , and the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila which dwells in freshwater and 72 preys on E. coli. We refer to this model ecosystem as the 'ABC' community for Algae, Bacteria 73 and Ciliates. The ABC community has been studied previously as a model self-sustaining closed 74 microbial ecosystem [24][25][26] . Recent work has shown that long-term abundance dynamics in closed 75 ABC ecosystems are complex and deterministic on timescales of months, exhibiting rich spatio-76 temporal and phenotypic dynamics 25 . The fact that the composition of the ABC community reflects 77 the structure of some natural communities and that quantitative measurements are feasible make 78 this a compelling model ecosystem for quantitative ecology 27 . 79 4Here we show that when E. coli (B) is introduced into communities of C. reinhardtii (A) 80 and T. thermophila (C...