In this paper, we consider an electricity market that consists of a day-ahead and a balancing settlement, and includes a number of stochastic producers. We first introduce two reference procedures for scheduling and pricing energy in the day-ahead market: on the one hand, a conventional network-constrained auction purely based on the least-cost merit order, where stochastic generation enters with its expected production and a low marginal cost; on the other, a counterfactual auction that also accounts for the projected balancing costs using stochastic programming. Although the stochastic clearing procedure attains higher market efficiency in expectation than the conventional day-ahead auction, it suffers from fundamental drawbacks with a view to its practical implementation. In particular, it requires flexible producers (those that make up for the lack or surplus of stochastic generation) to accept losses in some scenarios. Using a bilevel programming framework, we then show that the conventional auction, if combined with a suitable day-ahead dispatch of stochastic producers (generally different from their expected production), can substantially increase market efficiency and emulate the advantageous features of the stochastic optimization ideal, while avoiding its major pitfalls.A two-node power system serves as both an illustrative example and a proof of concept. Finally, a more realistic case study highlights the main advantages of a smart day-ahead dispatch of stochastic producers.Dear Editor of European Journal of Operational Research, Today's electricity market design is the result of adapting traditional practices, such as unit commitment, economic dispatch or contingency analysis, to a competitive structure. These practices were conceived in view of a generation mix mostly formed by dispatchable power plants, and are now to be revisited so that stochastic producers can enter the competition in a fair and efficient manner.In this line, researchers have recently advocated a market-clearing mechanism that co-optimizes the forward (day-ahead) and the anticipated real-time energy dispatches using stochastic programming. Even though, ideally, this mechanism attains maximum market efficiency, it results in an energy-only market settlement that requires flexible producers to accept economic losses for some realizations of the stochastic production, which raises concerns on its practical applicability.Starting from this point, this paper shows that, if stochastic production is conveniently scheduled in the day-ahead market, the conventional settlement of this market can notably approach the behavior of the stochastic ideal, while sidestepping its theoretical drawbacks. To this end, we construct a bilevel programming formulation that determines the optimal value of stochastic production that should be considered to clear the day-ahead market under the conventional settlement.We firmly believe that this research work could positively contribute to your Journal. We thank you in advance for considering this...