Abstract. We consider online scheduling so as to maximize the minimum load, using a reordering buffer which can store some of the jobs before they are assigned irrevocably to machines. For m identical machines, we show an upper bound of Hm−1 + 1 for a buffer of size m − 1. A competitive ratio below Hm is not possible with any finite buffer size, and it requires a buffer of sizeΩ(m) to get a ratio of O(log m). For uniformly related machines, we show that a buffer of size m + 1 is sufficient to get an approximation ratio of m, which is best possible for any finite sized buffer. Finally, for the restricted assignment model, we show lower bounds identical to those of uniformly related machines, but using different constructions. In addition, we design an algorithm of approximation ratio O(m) which uses a finite sized buffer. We give tight bounds for two machines in all the three models. These results sharply contrast to the (previously known) results which can be achieved without the usage of a reordering buffer, where it is not possible to get a ratio below an approximation ratio of m already for identical machines, and it is impossible to obtain an algorithm of finite approximation ratio in the other two models, even for m = 2. Our results strengthen the previous conclusion that a reordering buffer is a powerful tool and it allows a significant decrease in the competitive ratio of online algorithms for scheduling problems. Another interesting aspect of our results is that our algorithm for identical machines imitates the behavior of the greedy algorithm on (a specific set of) related machines, whereas our algorithm for related machines completely ignores the speeds until the end, and then only uses the relative order of the speeds.