The introduction of computer simulations has enhanced the teaching of
neurobiology. Many simulators for personal computers are available, but in countries
where schools have low school information and communication technology readiness, it is
difficult to introduce computer simulations. Even in such countries, however, students
often have their own smartphones and are good at operating them. Therefore, we have
developed five web-based simulators that cover a wide range of neurophysiology,
including single and whole-cell channel currents, membrane potentials and generation and
conduction of action potentials using HTML5 and JavaScript. These simulators may be run
free of charge on any device, regardless of the model or OS, thereby enabling schools
that have no experience in introducing simulations to introduce them easily. These
simulators were especially useful in many schools during COVID-19 restrictions. In this
paper, we explain the functions of the simulators we have developed and introduce some
practical examples. To verify the usefulness of the simulators, we also conducted a
survey in the classrooms in which the simulators were used. Understanding and motivation
to learn was shown to increase significantly, indicating that these are useful for
neurobiology education.