The present review is concerned primarily with research on factors associated with learning disabilities and remediation among disadvantaged children. These factors include intelligence; school achievement; reading retardation; linguistics and language patterns; perception, conception, cognition, and vocabulary; and cumulative effects of social and cultural background.On the basis of the foregoing, suggestions are made for the development of a theoretical system within which research on remediation is examined. Research on remediation includes programs, experiments, and some consideration of the role of the teacher. Finally, the review discusses limitations of present studies and suggests directions for future research.
Learning Disabilities
IntelligenceResearch consistently reveals that disadvantaged children generally have lower IQ scores as measured by standardized intelligence tests. Deutsch and Brown (1964) conducted an important study with 543 urban public school children stratified by race, grade level, and social class. The Level I Primary Battery of the Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test was used for the first grade classes, and Level III was used for the fifth-grade classes. Both forms are essentially nonverbal. The authors found no significant differences in IQ scores between first-grade and fifth-grade children. Highly significant differences were found, however, both between scores of Negro and white children and between class levels. Further, IQ differences continued between races in different class levels, with the differences increasing as the class level became higher.The racial aspect of intelligence continues to raise the nature-nurture controversy. Shuey (1958) referred to 72 studies in which a total of 36,000 Negro children were tested, and the average IQ was determined to be 85, strongly suggesting to her a genetic difference. Klineberg (1963), on the other hand, interpreted the studies to suggest environmental determinants of IQ variations. Anastasi (1958) pointed out that referring to mean differences between races is misleading. She indicated that if 30 413