The Covid-19 pandemic marks an era of using online as a medium of learning communication, including counseling services. School Counselor are required to use ICT as a form of adaptation to learning with students. The research design using a quantitative Structural equation modeling aimed to test correlation of two or more variables. The participants are 214 School Counselor who are members of the Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Association (ABKIN) and the Guidance and Counseling Teacher Council (MGBK). This study measures the participation of School Counselor who fill out online questionnaires with respect to their perceptions of maximizing the use of ICT in providing counseling services. Measurement of the successful use of ICT in Guidance and counseling (BK) services during a pandemic will be measured through the attributes of Computer Anxiety (CA), Computer Self-Efficacy (CSA), Collegial Collaboration (CC), Lack Facility (LF), Perceive Usefulness (PU), and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). The results showed findings in which all attributes have a significant outcome on the use of ICT on School Counselor.