Leadership in the educational context space continues to experience a shift, especially in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. As a leadership policy maker, the principal must be able to read the current developments of the times, one of which is by taking a digital leadership approach. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the type of literature study research. The data is obtained from various sources such as national and international journals in accordance with the focus studied. Meanwhile, data analysis uses data reduction, display data, and conclusion. The results of this research digital leadership is a combination and collaboration between leaders, technology and resources. The digital leadership of school principals is an important key to facing today's era of technological disruption. Digital leadership can be realized if the principal continues to strive and provide opportunities for all school members to come into direct contact with digital technology. Formula 4C (Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration) is also one of the keys that needs to be applied to digital leadership in the educational environment. Digital leadership strategies can be carried out through transparent leadership in all aspects of schools, including openness to budgeting funds, procurement of infrastructure, as well as criticism and suggestions from various parties.