We consider Schrödinger operators on periodic discrete graphs. It is known that the spectrum of these operators has band structure. We describe a localization of spectral bands and estimate the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum in terms of eigenvalues of Dirichlet and Neumann operators on a fundamental domain of the periodic graph. The proof is based on the Floquet decomposition of Schrödinger operators and the minimax principle.Thus, the intervals J n and J n defined by (1.24), (1.25) and their intersections J n ∩ J n , n ∈ N 3 , have the form (2.38) J 1 = [0; 6], J 1 = [0, 4], σ 1 = [0; 2] ⊂ J 1 ∩ J 1 = J 1 = [0; 4], J 2 = [2; 12], J 2 = [0; 4], σ 2 ≈ [2.5; 4] ⊂ J 2 ∩ J 2 = [2; 4], J 3 ≈ [2.5; 12], J 3 ≈ [6; 9.5], σ 3 ≈ [6; 9.5] = J 3 ∩ J 3 = J 3 .Remark. 1) Theorem 1.1 determines the existence of the second spectral gap (see Figure 3c). The intersection of the intervals J n and J n , n = 1, 2, 3, gives more Licensed to Imperial College London. Prepared on Mon Apr 6 16:39:54 EDT 2015 for download from IP or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use