We study the notion of a differential 2-rig, a category R with coproducts and a monoidal structure distributing over them, also equipped with an endofunctor 𝜕 : R → R that satisfies a categorified analogue of the Leibniz rule. This is intended as a tool to unify various applications of such categories to computer science, algebraic topology, and enumerative combinatorics. The theory of differential 2-rigs has a geometric flavour but boils down to a specialization of the theory of tensorial strengths on endofunctors; this builds a surprising connection between apparently disconnected fields. We build free 2-rigs on a signature, and we prove various initiality results: for example, a certain category of colored species is the free differential 2-rig on a single generator.3For the sake of completeness, we shall mention yet another approach to 'categorical differentiation' recently developed in [54] with applications to ZX calculus in mind; again, there seems to be no relation with our theory of differential 2-rigs, since derivations on their category Mat-𝑆 are not Leibniz on objects.