General rightsThis document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available: STEM in England: meanings and motivations in the policy arena Vicky Wong, King's College London, Corresponding author, Justin Dillon, University of Bristol, Heather King, King's College London, Abstract STEM, an acronym for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, is widely used in science education. There is confusion, however, as to its provenance and meaning which is potentially problematic. This study examines the purpose and underlying philosophy of STEM practice in education in England and asks if there are differences in perceptions of STEM between science and mathematics educator stakeholders. The study's contribution to the literature is its unusual focus on those who were responsible for making and enacting national STEM policy. A two-phase qualitative approach was followed comprising an analysis of government documentation related to STEM initiatives together with semi-structured interviews with 21 key contributors to the science and mathematics education discourse in England. Using thematic analysis, recurring patterns were identified in the data. Findings suggest that there is a disconnect between the interpretations of the science and mathematics educators with a danger/advantage dichotomy to participation in STEM being perceived by the mathematics educators. Potential danger did not appear to be felt by science educators, possibly as science was perceived as dominant in STEM discourse. Broader early aims of the architects of the STEM agenda, including those of increasing diversity among STEM students, gave way to a focus on numbers of post-16 physics and mathematics students. We conclude that if the term STEM is to continue to be used then there is a need for greater clarity about what it represents in educational terms and a wider debate about its compatibility with the aims of science education for all.
Key words: STEM, mathematics, policy developmentFrom past to present: the story of STEM STEM has become a key driver in science education with many projects funded by the European Union coming under the STEM banner (European Commission, 2016), yet there is a lack of clarity regarding its history and a variety of different meanings are ascribed to it. Part of the reason is that it is an acronym with a vague history. In this section, the history of STEM will be traced and links to wider discourses in education examined. We begin by looking at STEM as a single construct as it is a well-known and frequently used term, however we will also tease out whether seeing it in this way is always helpful.Page 2 of 20 STEM usually refers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, but to some it is Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine and for many outside the 'STEM community' it ...