Sensilla trichodea, with porous walls and two receptor cells, are the most abundant sensiila on the antennae of male Spodoptera exempta. Two synthetic pheromone components, Z-9-tetradecen-l-yl acetate (Z-9-TDA) and Z-9,E-12-tetradecadien-l-yl acetate (Z-9,E-12-TDDA), produced identical electroantennogram (EAG) responses with male antennae, and strong stimuli of either compound were found to adapt the response to the other compound. When nerve impulses were recorded from single sensilla trichodea, Z-9,E-12-TDDA usually was the key stimulus, Z-9-TDA being over hundred times less effective, but some receptor cells were equally sensitive to both compounds. The female pheromone gland was located in the ventral intersegmental membrane between the 8th and 9th abdominal segment. Measured by male EAG responses, the crude hexane extract of one female gland, on the average, was equivalent to 5 ng of Z-9-TDA or Z-9,E-12-TDDA. Individual variation, however, was extreme even between females of the same lot and age, and there were no significant differences in pheromone content between females of different age and physiological conditions. KEY WORDS: Spodoptera exempta --Lepidoptera --Noctuidae --Sex pheromone --Electroantennogram --Sensilla trichodea --Pheromone gland.