Natural disasters and subsequent man-made disasters have recently become regular. In these conditions, the primary task of the State is the organization of temporary accommodation points capable of providing the affected population with housing units in a short time. In addition, if it is impossible to equip permanent places of residence in a short time, there is a task to provide temporary accommodation facilities with the necessary infrastructure. The purpose of the research is to develop and substantiate technical proposals for the creation of temporary accommodation facilities for the population affected by a natural disaster. In order to achieve this goal, an analysis of the literature related to the existing methods of erecting temporary stay points and temporary accommodation towns for the affected population is carried out. Advanced solutions for the construction of prefabricated buildings are considered in order to determine the most optimal solution. The result of the work is a system of interrelated proposals aimed at solving the issue of providing the population with high-quality living space. The article substantiates decisions on the organization of planning, composition, as well as the order of installation and dismantling of temporary accommodation facilities. The results obtained can be used in the preparation of optimal solutions for the deployment of temporary towns for the population affected by the destructive actions of the elements.