Dietary reference values (DRVs) is an umbrella term for the complete set of nutrient reference values which include population reference intakes (PRIs), the average requirements (ARs), adequate intakes (AIs) and reference intake (RIs) ranges for macronutrients. These values indicate the amount of a nutrient which must be consumed on a regular basis to maintain health in an otherwise healthy individual (or population). In 2005, the European Commission asked EFSA to review the advice of the Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) dated 1993 on DRVs for the European population, to ensure that Community action in the area of nutrition was underpinned by the latest scientific evidence. The task was entrusted to the EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA). The Panel set the foundations for this task in an inaugural opinion published in 2010, which addressed the general principles for deriving and applying DRVs. A total of 32 scientific opinions were then published over 7 years, covering water, fats, carbohydrates and dietary fibre, protein, energy, as well as 14 vitamins and 13 minerals. This summary report brings together the summaries of the individual opinions, together with synthetic tables and annexes. It provides an overview of the outcome of EFSA's scientific deliberations for easy reference by end-users. This report is not meant to replace the original opinions. For the detailed reasoning behind individual values, the reader is invited to consult the full opinions.