Purpose: The proton therapy presents a great precision during the radiation dose delivery. It is useful when the tumor is located in a sensitive area like brain or eyes. The Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are usually used in treatment planning system (TPS) to estimate the radiation dose. In this paper we are interested in estimating the proton dose statistical uncertainty generated by the MC simulations. Methods: Geant4 was used in the simulation of the eye's treatment room for 62 MeV protons therapy, installed in the Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS-INFN) facility in Catania. This code is a Monte Carlo based on software dedicated to simulate the passage of particles through the matter. In this work, we are interested in optimizing the Geant4 parameters on energy deposit distribution by proton to achieve the spatial resolution of dose distribution required for cancer therapy. We propose various simulations and compare the corresponding dose distribution inside water to evaluate the statistical uncertainties. Results: The simulated Bragg peak, based on facility model is in agreement with the experimental data, The calculations show that the mean statistical uncertainty is less than 1% for a simulation set with 5 × 10 4 events, 10 -3 mm production threshold and a 10 -2 mm step limit. Conclusion: The set of Geant4 cut and step limit values can be chosen in combination with the number of events to reach precision recommended from International Commission on Radiation Units and measurements (ICRU) in Monte Carlo codes for proton therapy treatment.