Member of the Gurpi Formation (Upper Campanian) has been investigated to evaluate facies development and macrofaunal content and to interpret their palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment of the area. In this area, a total of seven exposed stratigraphic sections at Lurestan Province of southwest Iran were measured and described. Depending upon the lithology, microfacies characteristics, and palaeontological criteria, the Seymareh Member could be subdivided into four stratigraphic units from base to top: Unit 1, fossiliferous grey shale interbedded with fine-grained nodular limestone; Unit 2, thick massive fossiliferous limestone; Unit 3, grey and olive-green argillaceous moderately fossiliferous limestone; and Unit 4, light grey to creamy, medium-to thick-bedded fossiliferous limestone. Petrographically, the Seymareh facies are composed mainly of bioclastic grainstone, floatstone-rudstone, and packstone/wackestone that contain a mixed benthic/ pelagic microfossil associated with macrofossils (mainly oysters and echinoids). The obtained information confirmed that the Upper Campanian Seymareh Member was deposited in a shallow submarine palaeo-canyon environment.