Sclerosing hemangioma of the lung is a rare benign tumor that can metastasize
to regional lymph nodes. It is a neoplasm that originates from type II
pneumocytes and primitive respiratory epithelium. It is most common in
middleaged women in form of peripherally localized node. Tumor is composed of
two types of cells, and there are papillary, solid, sclerotic, and
hemorrhagic histological pattern. Preoperative and intraoperative diagnosis
of the tumor is difficult. In a 53-old female patient, radiologically was
discovered hyperdense nodule with smooth margins, which was followed for two
years, and then underwent enucleation of the tumor. The tumor was 25 mm in
diameter and consisting of round and cuboidal cells. Microscopically, it
showed papillary and solid arrangement. Based on immunohistochemical
analysis, we made a diagnosis of sclerosing hemangioma of the lung. Three
months after surgery, the patient was in good health condition. Because of
the numerous differential diagnostic dilemmas, diagnosis is almost always
based on permanent paraffin sections, using a wide range of
immunohistochemical analysis. Type of surgery depends on the tumor location,
and in case of larger tumors, lymph node dissection needs to be done as well.